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Publications & Conferences


“Oil-based house paints from 1900 to 1960: An examination of their history and development, with particular reference to Ripolin enamels”. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 52 (3), August 2013, pp. 127-139.


“Synthetic resin house paints from the 1920s – 1960s: Properties, use and their reception by the decorating industry.” La conservazione delle policromie nell'architettura del XX secolo. Conservation of colour in 20th-century architecture. SUPSI, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, 8-9 February 2012.


"House paints 1900-1960: History and use.” Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2011.


“House paints 1900-1960: History and use”, Keynote speaker. AICCM Paintings Special Interest Group and the Twentieth Century in Paint Project, 12th AICCM Paintings Symposium, 'Dialogues with Artists', Adelaide, Australia: 20-22 October 2010.


'‘The history and manufacture of lithol red (PR:49), a pigment used by Mark Rothko in his Seagram and Harvard murals of the 1950s and 1960s.” Tate Papers (November 2008). 


“’Cover the World’: A history of the manufacture of household gloss paints in Britain and the United States from the 1930s to the 1950s.” Proceedings from the Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, May 16-19, 2006, Tate Modern, London. Edited by Thomas J. S. Learner, Patricia Smithen, Jay W. Krueger, and Michael R. Schilling. Getty Conservation Institute, 2008.


“The development of decorative gloss paints in Britain and the United States c. 1910-1960.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 45.1 (Spring 

2006): 51-65.


“The appeal of an image: The explosion of commercial paint use amongst Britain’s abstract artists in 1956”, Third Text, Issue 79, Vol. 20 (2) Mar. 2006.


“The year of change: British artists' experimentation with commercial paints in 1956”, Oxford Brookes University Conference, 1956: Legacies of Political Change in Art and Visual Culture, 4-5 Sept. 2004.

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